![]() NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL9 month in the USA. / Ukraine Immigrant. What do you feel when you see this word? Who do you imagine hearing it? How about Illegal immigrant? A difference in one word, a pair of papers and an abyss in attitude. For a short time living in America, I came across many stereotypes about immigrants. Even in the 21st century people still sincerely believe that immigrants, whether legal or illegal, are destroying the country the country. Unfortunately, such a delusion exists all around the world. | ![]() IMG_20180508_082145581 | ![]() DreamerDreamer Nine months ago/ Ukraine My art project about my dreams. I put the word “Dreamer” because I dream about good life in America , that I will learned the language and will know it perfect. That I will have a good job in the future and when I will get out of school I will go to the higher college and then university. I am smart but I need to learn the language because it is necessary here and I want to know it. I want to be a smart person and that my family would be proud of me. |
![]() IMG_20180508_082141433 | ![]() ImmigrantImmigrant 2 years in the US/Mexican To begin with, I choose this word because I thought about all my classmates. We are all immigrants because we came from a different countries, we share some things on common, and we are as same as a person from another country. Judging people because of their religion or skin color is a bad thing that nobody should be doing, although we have different nationalities we are should be treated as equal. The word immigrant means a lot for me and I think it is a go | ![]() No LimitsGender inequality 7 months in America/ moved from Belarus With my project I wanted to show that all people are equal and no matter what sex they are. Today, there are a lot of restrictions for women, but I believe that no one can limit a person to anything, because this is his life. So let's all say "No limits". I hope that someday people will understand that everyone is equal and there will be no restrictions. |
![]() IMG_20180508_082148328 | ![]() Unique“Unique” Almost 2 years in America/ Russia I draw that picture because it represents me. I wanted to draw a picture of me like not caring about American culture. I draw a word UNIQUE to show that I'm and almost all people are unique and they can't be somebody else. | ![]() Don't StopDon’t Stop 3 years/from Mexico I chose “don’t stop” because it describes me. I’ve always been hard working and I never stop or give up for the things I want in life. I really like dancing and it has been hard for me. I get tired easily but I don’t ever stop and it is one of my goals to become a professional dancer. |
![]() Confusion3 years in the U.S./ Immigrated from Ukraine This artwork represents confusion that I had when I came to the U.S. Everything was different, school, environment, home. I had to learn the language, change the way of thinking and all that was confusing to me. But over time things were getting easier and easier. It was easier for me to understand what people are saying, it was getting easier to do the homework. Now, everything is so easy that I didn’t really realize when that confusion was gone. | ![]() BrokenBROKEN 9 month in U.S. / Ukraine In that artwork I tried to show how I feel about America and differences in culture that I see after moving to the United States. I wrote a word “BROKEN” to underline that I don’t feel really nice and want to return back home. | ![]() УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ (unique)УНИКАЛЬНЫЙ (unique) 1.5 years/ Moldova By drawing the word unique on my artwork, I tried to show that every person is special no matter where he or she comes from. |
![]() SadSAD United States 8 months/ From India My art work displays my emotion. The emotion I’ve chosen is SAD and I have chosen this as my emotion because when I first came here it was the like the strangest place I’ve ever been to and in fact it’s the first time being abroad. So when I came I literally didn’t know anybody or how things work in States. I didn’t have friends and I missed my family which made me sad. | ![]() DreamerDreamer Nine months ago/ Ukraine My art project about my dreams. I put the word “Dreamer” because I dream about good life in America , that I will learned the language and will know it perfect. That I will have a good job in the future and when I will get out of school I will go to the higher college and then university. I am smart but I need to learn the language because it is necessary here and I want to know it. I want to be a smart person and that my family would be proud of me. | ![]() BalanceBalance Less than one year/ Ukraine Some people live in one country half their lives, and then move to another country where everything is completely different. When people ask "Where do you live better?" Human will answer that he does not know, and there it is good and here - this is a balance. |
![]() StressStress 13 months in the US/ Hungary The reason why I chose the word “stress”, because in the past few weeks I had many problems with my family, my work in school and friends. I felt so overwhelmed and I knew what people are expecting from me, so I got scared and I closed it in myself which led to huge amount of stress and anger. By creating this art project, I felt relaxed and that’s exactly what I needed at this point. | ![]() Athletic | ![]() ImmigrantImmigrant 2 years in the US/Mexican To begin with, I choose this word because I thought about all my classmates. We are all immigrants because we came from a different countries, we share some things on common, and we are as same as a person from another country. Judging people because of their religion or skin color is a bad thing that nobody should be doing, although we have different nationalities we are should be treated as equal. The word immigrant means a lot for me and I think it is a go |
![]() UnknownUNKNOWN 4 years in the USA/ from Syria My art represents how this girl who had friends who do not know her ethnicity. People keep asking her where she is from but it is useless because nobody knows where that country is. If I say I am Assyrian people think we are people from Syria but it’s completely wrong. We are two different people. So people automatically judge of what you are. I try to explain but they still don’t understand. | ![]() PowerPOWER 2 years in U.S / Belarus I chose power because we as immigrants we have to deal with a lot of problems and we need a lot of power to get through it. Especially with language and culture we need a lot of mental power to be through stuff like that. | ![]() IMG_20180508_082008866 |
![]() IMG_20180508_082025550 | ![]() IMG_20180508_081948647 | ![]() IMG_20180508_081959674 |
![]() IMG_20180508_082019351 | ![]() IMG_20180508_082015301 | ![]() Reticence7 months/ Russia My art represents the feeling and sensation of a girl who started a new life from scratch. In a new country, everything is not as it is in your own country, new rules, new people, new places. And I was very scared to realize that. But why did I write the word "reticence"? In my life I am very distrustful to people, but I try to be open with them and simple. As a result, I found good people, I already have at least some, but the authority among them and seems to have merged |
![]() IMG_20180508_082004780 | ![]() IMG_20180508_081940058 | ![]() Re-start10 Months in United States/ Italy I’m from Italy, I moved here less than one year ago, now I feel good here but when I came everything was different. I wrote restart because is the word that better describes how I felt when I came. I felt like if I were in a new world, different language, no friends, new house…I had to restart my life, like a baby that doesn’t know how to speak, where to go and what to do. |
![]() EnclosedEnclosed 1 year and 6 months / Ukraine First of all, I took a picture of myself with raising my hand to the back, when someone pulled me with him. Someone in this situation is the United States. So basically it means that I don’t want to be here. Word “Enclosed” says that I didn’t want to move here and also I didn’t have choice. Also, I raised my hand back to Ukraine because that is a place where I want to live for rest of my life! | ![]() PressurePressure Almost 3 years/China My artwork is using the dark blue for the background color. It is showing the pressure and hard time in our life. And I also use the pink to represent the hope in the pressure. That means there always have hope inside of the pressure. | ![]() AmbitousAMBITIOUS 10 months in USA. Came from Ukraine. In the artwork the face is watching up which means that it is looking for new goals to reach. For example, to become a scientist and discover something new.The silhouette is white to show up on the dark background. The colors of background are blue and black. Black symbolizes strength and blue clearness of mind. |
![]() NobleNoble. 3 years living in the United States. I choose the word noble because it is the one that identifies me the most or that I always have in mind after living back and forth from Mexico to here. All the time that I stayed in Mexico I was living with my grandparents. Religion and helping others are very important to them. I’ve decided that being “noble” is the most important value that my grandparents have given me. | ![]() IMG_20180508_082137639 | ![]() BelieveBelieve 14 years/ parents lived in Mexico My picture is about believing in yourself. I had really bad times growing up because my parents got a divorce when I was young. And I thought it my fault or my baby brothers fault. But I keep talking to teachers and they keep telling me to believe in myself so I did and now I feel so much better in myself. |
![]() Stress | ![]() warrior | ![]() Healthy |
The Identity Art Project consists of artists from Buffalo Grove High School's Human Geography sheltered course for English Language Learners (ELL). The students come from a range of countries including Belarus, China, India, Italy, Iraq, Mexico, Russia, and Ukraine. During the unit of Identity, students explored global themes of ethnicity, race, and nationality. As a means to explore these ideas on a personal level, students created art based on their own interpretation of their personal identity especially as recent immigrants to the United States. Students expressed the emotions of immigration, uncovered the trials of leaving one place and entering another as a foreigner, and also added topics of human rights and stateless nations.
Art 1 classes explored their identity through an independent self determined project. Throughout this project they developed their visual identity and voice through their medium of choice.