Humanities students have taken on the challenge of using the medium of recycled cardboard. We used the cardboard to transform a blank space into a place where anyone can send a message. Through the realistic installations made out of only cardboard, viewers will be able to feel as if they are truly sending a meaningful message.
After generating several ideas from every humanities period, eventually, we agreed on P.O. Boxes, stringing mini letters along a carrier pigeon, and a fully immersive mailbox. Throughout the space, you’ll notice the many ways that the cardboard boxes were utilized in this big project. Notice the large mail truck, appearing as if it is emerging halfway out of the wall. Every single humanities student had a part to play in this project as we utilized an assembly line to cut, fold, tape, and put together the space you're in right now.
When you enter the gallery, you may notice the slits in the P.O. Boxes, meant for inserting a message of your choosing, or if you look closely into the truck windows, you will notice the small details of portraits. The many ways that cardboard can be manipulated, cut, torn, or shaped can turn it from something simplistic into something of value. This installation is meant to give viewers a way to send their own personal messages, and to immerse themselves into a truly unique experience made entirely out of cardboard. We hope everyone enjoys our installation and to all the seniors, we hope you are able to leave behind a message as your last days at BG come to an end. #OneBG